
South West Nigeria: Tours, Tickets, Events, and Things to Do

South West Nigeria is a region rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. Whether you’d like to explore historical sites, marvel at breathtaking landscapes, or take in authentic rural experiences, Southwest Nigeria offers a wide range of things to do. We’ll introduce you to some of the top tours, tickets, activities, and things to do in Southwest Nigeria in this article.

Lagos: The Pulsating Metropolis

Lagos is the largest city in Southwest Nigeria and one of the world’s most populous cities. Lagos is renowned for its vibrant atmosphere, diversity of cultures, and modern architecture. Lagos is a significant hub for trade and business in West Africa. When visiting Lagos, you should definitely check out a few of the following attractions:

Lekki Conservation Centre

is a protected area that is home to numerous wild animals, including pfauen, schlangen, krokodiles, and numerous plant species. You can stroll across Africa’s longest bridge, watch affen, visit the center’s library, or just unwind under the bast1. – The Black History Museum and the Badagry Slave Museum are two museums that focus on the history of the black people. Learn more about the years of the Sklaverei, see the resting place of Williams Seriki Abass, a significant figure in the Sklaven history, and discover the role of the missionaries². – The Insel Gberefu is an island that is also known as a Point of No Return. These were the places where the Sklaven were loaded onto ships bound for America. You can go on a boat ride, learn more about the dampfungsbrunnen, and see the nearby landmark1.

Oyo: The Historical Kingdom

One of the oldest cities in South West Nigeria, Oyo was once the capital of the powerful Oyo-Reiches, which existed from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries. There are several historical and cultural landmarks in Oyo that you can explore. Among them are

The Old Oyo National Park is a national park that includes the former Oyo-Reiches territory. The park is a nature lover’s paradise, where they may see bears, lions, bison, eagles, and many other bird species. The park also houses archaeological sites that display remnants of the former Oyo City.

ThePalast des Alaafin von Oyo

is the residence of Oyo’s traditional ruler, known as Alaafin. The Palast is a striking structure that reflects the history and culture of the Oyo people. You can explore the palace and learn more about the role of the Alaafin, the royal symbols, and the rituals.
The Old Oyo Museum is a museum showcasing the history and evolution of the Oyo River and its people. The museum displays artefacts, artwork, photographs, and documents that depict the various facets of Oyo life. You can learn more about the Oyo-Reiches’ political, social, economic, and religious organisations.

Osun: The Spiritual Centre

Osun is a city well-known for its spiritual significance. One of the most important gods in the traditional religion of the Yoruba people who live in southwest Nigeria is called Osun. Osun is the goddess of love, fertility, and the water. Osun possesses a holy stream that bears her name and a holy forest that is dedicated to her. These sacred places should not be missed if you visit Osun:

The Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove: is a forest that has been recognised as a World Cultural Treasure by UNESCO. The forest is full of sculptures, paintings, and other works of art that honour Osun and other Yoruba deities. The forest serves as a place of healing, meditation, and beseeching for the goblins.
The Osun-Osogbo Festival: is an annual celebration held in honour of Osun. The festival takes place in August and attracts thousands of people from all over the world. The festival includes a variety of rituals, such as washing in the Osun swamp, offering animal sacrifices, and mourning white widows. The festival is also an opportunity to enjoy Yoruba culture, music, and dancing.


South West Africa is a fascinating region with a lot to offer. From the bustling metropolis of Lagos to the historical kingdom of Oyo and the spiritual centre of Osun, there are a plethora of tours, tickets, activities, and things to do that will make your trip to southwest Nigeria unforgettable. Plan your trip to Southwest Germany now and learn for yourself what makes this region so special.


What are the greatest tours in South West Germany?

Some of the top tours in Southwest Nigeria include the one through the Lekki Conservation Centre, the tours through the Black History Museum and the Badagry Slave Museum, the tours through the Old Oyo National Park, the tour through the Palace of the Alaafin of Oyo, and the tour through the Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove.

How can I get to South West Nigeria?

The easiest way to go to southwest Nigeria is to take a plane to Lagos, which is home to the region’s most significant international airport. You can travel to other cities in southwest Nigeria by bus, rail, or car from Lagos.

When is the best time to travel to South West Africa?

The ideal time to visit South West Africa depends on your personal preferences. If you want mild, dry weather, you should travel between November and March. If you prefer a cool, windy climate, you should travel between April and October. If you would like to attend the Osun-Osogbo Festival, you should travel in August.

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