
Carole Ann Boone: The Woman Who Married a Serial Killer

Carole Ann Boone was an American woman who married one of the most notorious serial killers in history, Ted Bundy. She met him while working at the Washington State Department of Emergency Services in 1974, where he was helping with the search of several of the women he had murdered. She was divorced twice and had a son from a previous marriage. She became friends with Bundy and later developed a romantic relationship with him while he was on trial for multiple murders in Florida.

How Did Carole Ann Boone and Ted Bundy Get Married?

Boone and Bundy got married in a bizarre way. Bundy proposed to her in the middle of his trial in 1980, while he was acting as his own lawyer. He asked her to take the stand as a character witness and then questioned her about their relationship. He then declared to the court that he wanted to marry her and she accepted. According to Florida law at the time, this constituted a legal marriage as long as it was done in the presence of a judge.

Boone believed that Bundy was innocent and supported him throughout his trial and appeals. She visited him regularly in prison and smuggled money, clothes, and other items for him. She also helped him plan his escape from jail in 1984, but he was recaptured after six days.

How Did Carole Ann Boone Have a Child with Ted Bundy?

Boone gave birth to a daughter named Rose (or Rosa) on October 24, 1982, while Bundy was on death row. The exact circumstances of how she conceived the child are unclear, as Bundy was not allowed conjugal visits. Some speculate that she may have used a condom filled with his sperm that they exchanged during a kiss, or that they bribed the guards to allow them to have sex in some secluded area of the prison. Boone never revealed the details of how she became pregnant, saying that “it’s nobody’s business”.

Boone raised Rose as a single mother, as Bundy was executed by electric chair on January 24, 1989. She tried to shield her daughter from the media attention and the horrific truth about her father. She changed their names and moved to a different state. She also cut off contact with Bundy’s family and friends.

What Happened to Carole Ann Boone After Ted Bundy’s Death?

Boone’s loyalty to Bundy faded as he confessed to more than 30 murders before his execution. She realized that he had lied to her for years and that he was a manipulative and dangerous psychopath. She divorced him in 1986 and stopped visiting him or writing to him. She also stopped talking to the press and refused to give any interviews about her relationship with Bundy.

Boone lived a reclusive life after Bundy’s death. She died of septic shock at age 70 on February 3, 2018, in Washington. Her daughter Rose is now in her late thirties and has reportedly changed her name and identity. She has never spoken publicly about her father or her mother.

Carole Ann Boone was a woman who loved a serial killer and paid a heavy price for it. She was deceived, betrayed, and ostracized by society. She lost her husband, her freedom, and her reputation. She also gave birth to a child who had to live with the stigma of being related to one of the most evil men in history. Her story is one of tragedy, mystery, and controversy.


To conclude, Carole Ann Boone was a woman who married a serial killer and suffered the consequences. She was blinded by love and believed in his innocence, but later realized that he was a monster who had killed dozens of women. She divorced him and cut off all contact with him, but still had to raise their daughter who bore his genes. She died in 2018, leaving behind a legacy of mystery and controversy. Her story is a cautionary tale of how love can make people do irrational and dangerous things.

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